In the 1920's the act of Prohibition was taking place in the US. This was defined as the banning of alcohol. Although some people were happy with prohibition, many others were very displeased. They needed their alcohol to function properly and live their lives. Therefore there was a lot of organized crimes beginning to happen to get these people their alcohol.
This is what led to gangs such as the mofia and the mob. The mafia contented itself with the many profits to be gained from the controlling of the bootleg liquor industry. They usually sold all their liquor obtained in speakeasies. Mafia families looked at the prohibition as a weakness that could make money. They would either brew their own liquor or would buy from other families to supply speakeasies for the people who couldn't live without alcohol.
Many mafia members such as Al Capone became very rich because of all the money made from his liquor profits. However, when prohibition was banned in 1933, the mafia shifted their sales from liquor to illegal drugs and they continued their illegal acts.
Good post 75/75